BMS and BAS Systems: Basic Concepts and Facts
31 January 2020
In our homes, we can easily monitor our mechanical and electrical equipment without the need for a single system. We can check our power and ventilation systems just by going to them manually. We can also check our fire and security systems by inspecting them in person. The manual checking of mechanical and electrical equipment may apply to huge buildings. However, it will surely consume a lot of time and resources. It is also not convenient for the building owner or the one who is in charge of maintaining the whole system since some critical issues may come as urgent. […]
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Preventative Maintenance of Mechanical & HVAC Plants: What makes it a Good Investment?
14 January 2020
Mechanical and HVAC plants play a pivotal role in the operations of a business. Without these equipment, most of your workforce will be mobilised since they cannot work under uncontrolled temperatures, water, and power. Moreover, some work processes require these plants to ensure proper ventilation and other factors needed to make everything work. One way to make sure that the mechanical and HVAC plants are always working is to subscribe them under preventative maintenance. With this kind of maintenance, you are ensured that your operations won’t be hampered anytime. You also don’t have to cost a lot of your resources […]
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What are Industrial Cooling Towers? How Do They Work?
13 December 2019
Industrial cooling towers couldn’t work without evaporative cooling technology. However, there’s a world of difference between a so-called swamp cooling evaporative appliance and a mighty industrial tower. Not to state the obvious too plainly, the industrial model is built on a whole other scale. It’s surrounded by a concrete column that’s several storeys tall, and it encapsulates a far more intricate assemblage of working machinery. First things first, then, industrial cooling towers function as large-scale heat exchangers. Across-The-Board Heat Exchanger Scalability In the simplest possible terms, they’re designed to swap energy between water streams and air currents, hence the open […]
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Prepare for the Hot Melbourne Summer: Ways to Know if Your Cooling Towers are Working Properly
09 December 2019
Summers in Melbourne can get scorching hot. Even if we are used to this heat, we still need to rely on some equipment and machinery to help us beat the summer heat. Whether you are in your office, shop, or even at home, there is an immense possibility that we all use some sort of cooling solution. These solutions are necessary so that we won’t get any sickness and grave medical conditions out of the heat. While residential properties can already maximise the potential of air conditioning units as a remedy to heat, commercial and industrial buildings require more comprehensive […]
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Corrosion in HVAC Systems: How Can this be Prevented?
22 November 2019
People in a room that solely relies on the temperature and condition of the surrounding environment won’t be able to survive or endure there for a long time. The heat waves from the sun cause serious medical conditions such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Even the temperature of snowy weather can cause hypothermia among people. Fortunately, the conditions mentioned above can now be regulated with technology. One specific wonder of technology that helps regulate and control room temperature is the HVAC system. This system, with initials that stand for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, can control elements that give […]
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Counter Flow vs. Cross Flow Cooling Towers: What are the Differences?
04 November 2019
Many commercial and industrial businesses perform their daily operations on buildings and facilities. Since these buildings have to deal with people every day, the air being circulated on these structures may get alarmingly warm. This is why most business owners spend money for an efficient cooling system around their vicinity for the sake of their employees and the quality of their products and services. In some industries, the cooling system even has a significant role in the manufacturing process of products. One common way to reduce the temperature of a building or facility is by installing cooling towers. Cooling towers […]
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The Essentials of Proper Installation and Maintenance of HVAC Systems in Healthcare Facilities
24 October 2019
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in healthcare facilities are installed and maintained for a reason. They are not only present as common fixtures in an establishment; they are also there to promote health, comfort, and safety among patients, healthcare staff and visitors. A proper installation of HVAC systems benefits the healthcare facilities greatly. That is why it is important for healthcare facilities to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of their HVAC systems. Below are the key essentials of a proper HVAC systems installation and maintenance. Temperature Control The temperature significantly contributes to the overall condition of the […]
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Here are Some of the Reasons Why an HVAC Inspection is Worth the Cost
07 October 2019
You have probably seen the media ads that promote the fact that you need an annual HVAC inspection to ensure that your heating and cooling system is in optimal operating condition at all times and wondered if it is really worth the cost of one. The short answer to this query is “yes” since it can help prevent costly repair bills in the near future. During this inspection, a licenced technician can identify minor issues before they turn into major, expensive ones. Is the HVAC Inspection Worth the Price That You Pay for It? Your HVAC system contains numerous parts […]
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Regular Cleaning and Maintenance for Better Cooling Tower Performance
20 September 2019
While lesser equipment setups can survive an occasional maintenance hiccup, cooling tower systems cannot afford that luxury. After all, this gear combines dozens of intricate subsystems. Really, cooling towers can ill afford such a slipshod mode of operation. To the contrary, a strictly enforced predictive planned maintenance program should be imposed. If these regular cleaning and maintenance assignments aren’t enforced, a cooling tower performance crash can be expected. Implement a Predictive Planned Maintenance Program Repair services often happen after-the-fact. Granted, a new drift separator assembly or broken air intake louvre should be replaced, but that doesn’t change the fact, the […]
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Sustained Vibrations in Cooling Towers: Should These Be a Cause for Alarm
12 September 2019
Used as mansion-sized heat exchangers, cooling towers scoop heat out of industrial-scale complexes. If a large-scale processing plant, power generation station, or petrochemical installation produces an unmanageable thermal envelope, these monolithic, open-topped concrete towers will reject the energy. But there’s a problem: industrial buildings are often filled with working machines, and those machines generate vibrations. We need to know, will this vibrational energy affect a cooling tower’s performance? Vibrational Analysis in Cooling Tower Equipment There are different types of inner workings within the towers. Passive equipment configurations use convection currents to remove heat from large tube bundles. A little like […]
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