Understanding the Working Principles of HVAC Filtering Units
10 May 2021
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are designed to effectively improve the atmospheric condition of a property, particularly in rooms and areas that are often used by many people. These systems are typically utilised in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. One primary function of HVAC systems is that they can control the temperature of a room or an area. Another function of these systems is that they can regulate the humidity level of these places by controlling the distribution and movement of the air. But one function of these systems that property owners often overlook is that they can […]
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4 Main Factors that Can Affect the Performance of Your Commercial Chillers
29 April 2021
Commercial buildings take advantage of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to effectively cool and dehumidify key areas and rooms. And one HVAC system component that can bring a lot of benefits to commercial buildings is the chiller. Chillers are often utilised by a lot of commercial buildings and establishments. Some of these properties are hotels, restaurants, hospitals, industrial and manufacturing plants, and many more. Working Principles of Chiller Units Most of the time, chillers work by absorbing the heat inside the buildings and transferring it into the environment. Following the principle of vapour compression or absorption, chillers would […]
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4 Main Ways to Make Your HVAC System Sustainable
12 April 2021
Many properties utilise heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for heating and cooling purposes. These types of properties possess these systems so that they can obtain more appropriate indoor temperatures and a healthier environment. What is great about HVAC systems is that they do not only control the temperature of rooms, but they can also regulate their humidity level. Even the amount of moisture, smoke, odours, dust, airborne bacteria, and other toxic elements can be controlled through the components found in these systems. With the right setting and condition, HVAC systems can be truly effective and even save a […]
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Strategic Energy Management Tips for Buildings and Plants
26 March 2021
Commercial buildings and industrial plants often consume a huge amount of energy to effectively carry out their daily operations. While most of the energy consumed by these properties help in improving the performance of the business, it can also be a source of unnecessary expenditures. These buildings are known to waste around 30% of energy. Additionally, these structures emit around 20% of greenhouse emissions due to the continuous consumption of energy. The endless wastage of energy, as well as the emission of toxic elements to the environment, are already bad for businesses since they can affect their expenses as well […]
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Thermostat Adjustments that Can Save Energy
11 March 2021
One key device that is responsible for regulating the temperatures of a property is the thermostat. It helps sense the temperature of a heating or cooling system and perform actions that would maintain the temperature of a specific place or location. Without maximising a thermostat, the temperature of a room or an area will certainly exceed or fall below the preferred value. Property owners can easily regulate the temperatures of their rooms or areas by just controlling the thermostat. However, there are certain adjustments on the thermostat that can certainly save a huge amount of energy to the property as […]
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Difference Between Air Cooled and Water Cooled Cooling System
26 February 2021
Cooling systems are designed to remove heat from the property to make the whole place more comfortable and relaxing. Residential, commercial, and industrial properties utilise different types of cooling systems just to obtain the needed cool temperatures of their respective rooms and areas. To date, there are two major types of cooling systems that property owners can obtain. One of these types is the air cooled cooling system. Air cooled cooling systems work by transferring heat that has been obtained into the air. Another type of cooling system is the water cooled cooling system. This type of cooling system transfers […]
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How Cooling Towers Work and Why Preventive Maintenance is Necessary
15 February 2021
Most buildings such as schools, offices, and hospitals utilise heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to effectively regulate their temperatures. But for industrial properties such as petroleum refineries and natural gas processing plants, they require a much larger unit to effectively remove heat. Cooling towers, which are known to be much larger than HVAC system units, are typically utilised for industrial properties. They normally allow air to come into contact with hot water so that the latter’s temperature decreases. The interaction of the elements allows properties to have a cooler environment since heat will be expelled from these places. […]
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5 Tips to Help Air Conditioners Maintain Efficiency
28 January 2021
Property owners would usually utilise air conditioners in maintaining a specific room’s temperature, relative humidity, and air purity. These air conditioners work by drawing heat energy out of the property and replacing the air inside with much cooler air. The process of cooling the air inside the property makes air conditioners significant for property owners. However, they can carry out their core functions more effectively if they are efficient. Efficient air conditioners can lower energy bills, reduce carbon footprint, and operate optimally. They can likewise lessen the chances of getting damaged more easily compared to those that are not truly […]
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How to Evaluate When It’s Time for Chiller Replacement
14 January 2021
Chillers are essential in different properties and establishments due to their accompanying functions. They are known to be an integral part of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, helping them cool a specific place or area. These cooling devices can effectively create an environment that is comfortable and relaxing. They can likewise maintain the performance of other equipment through regulating the temperatures within the recommended levels. But with their continuous use, chillers may have to be repaired and maintained regularly. And once they have sustained enough damages, their owners will not have any choice but to replace them. To know […]
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How Do Commercial Facilities Benefit from Retrofitting Air Conditioners
15 December 2020
Commercial facilities and establishments are normally equipped with air conditioners for the comfort of employees, visitors, and other people. And with the continuous use of air conditioning units, all the advantages of having cool air can be easily acquired by all the people inside the mentioned properties. However, air conditioners tend to manifest some issues after a long time of use. There will be instances where your energy bills will suddenly increase even though the air conditioners operate optimally and within the standard duration. Alternatively, they may have entirely relied on multiple repairs just to keep the components running. All […]
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