
Common Issues with Building Automation Systems and How to Prevent Them

24 January 2023

Commercial and industrial buildings maximise fire and security systems to make their operations safe and secure. They also take advantage of lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to ensure that workplace conditions will be regulated optimally. But since the number of system operations these buildings should carry out can be too high, it would be impossible for employees to regulate them all manually. It is likewise not possible for them to monitor them all without missing any issues as they also have to carry out other work. Fortunately, a Building Automation System or BAS can be installed to effectively […]

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Hire the Right People to Conduct Mechanical Services in Your Commercial Building

10 January 2023

Your business cannot operate optimally if you do not invest in a commercial building, especially if you require constant interaction between your employees and your clients or customers. With a properly designed commercial building, your employees are encouraged to generate optimal output daily. A good commercial building can likewise make them feel comfortable, even with a heavy workload. Your clients or customers can then feel welcome and appreciated as they enter your well-maintained lobby or establishment. But to ensure that these benefits will be present all the time, you must ensure that your commercial building’s mechanical systems will be serviced […]

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4 Reasons You Should Let a Professional Install Your Commercial Air Conditioning System

15 December 2022

Offices, retail shops, and other commercial spaces cannot operate optimally without taking advantage of the right systems on their properties. One of the systems they need is the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning or HVAC system.  The HVAC system plays a huge role in keeping the indoor temperature controlled and regulated effectively. It ensures that the rooms and spaces will be warm or cool depending on the surrounding temperatures. This system can also maintain ventilation, keeping the pollutants and other harmful elements out of their properties.  One component of the HVAC system is the air conditioning unit. While some businesses […]

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The Working Principles of a DDC System in a Building and Its Primary Benefits

01 December 2022

Buildings rely on various systems to optimise the overall conditions of their properties. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, for instance, are used by buildings to regulate their indoor temperatures. These systems also help provide good air quality across rooms and spaces. Buildings also maximise alarm systems to effectively notify occupants about impending dangers due to fire or unauthorised entry of intruders. Lighting systems are likewise installed in buildings to keep everything illuminated when necessary. All components, devices, and others that are part of these systems need to be operated effectively to make them functional. Manual activation of these […]

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The Significance of Regular Building Automation System Maintenance

21 November 2022

The daily operations of commercial and industrial buildings can be tough, especially if the demand for their products or services gets high during specific weeks or months. During these times, most of their equipment or machines must operate to effectively carry out their processes. Additionally, they have to utilise stable building systems to keep everything running. But the continuous improvements in technology allow these buildings to work efficiently throughout their operations. One product of technological advancements that can hugely help businesses is known as the building automation system. Working Principles of Building Automation System A building automation system (BAS) aims […]

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A Maintenance Guide to Prolong Your Commercial Chiller’s Service Life

08 November 2022

The operations of commercial buildings can only become successful if they invest in the right equipment pieces and tools. Chillers, for instance, are maximised to negate the thermal energy generated by other equipment pieces and so on. Commercial chillers often work by moving heat from one area to another. The heat these things remove often comes from either the process equipment or the product itself. Once the heat is obtained, the chillers would then transfer it to a place outside of the facility. Most chillers can be found on the roof part of commercial buildings. And as these things operate, […]

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How Do Building Automation Systems Work and Benefit Industrial Buildings?

25 October 2022

To keep the production of components and parts stable all the time, business owners should invest in and maximise industrial buildings. One major reason why industrial buildings are needed is they normally have the right amount of space to accommodate everything. With the right amount of space, industrial buildings can easily accommodate all the tools and equipment needed for the processes. Some of these processes include the acquisition of raw materials, storing the materials for later use, collecting the things needed for production, and delivering the products to the clients. Huge industrial buildings can likewise provide comfort and safety to […]

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What Makes Protector Air Care’s Engineering Services Effective and Safe?

11 October 2022

Commercial and industrial buildings maximise air conditioning systems to make their workplaces and other significant rooms cool. They also utilise refrigeration systems to effectively store products and items under low temperatures. These systems alongside other machines and equipment should all be serviced properly to make sure they operate optimally. Fortunately, we at Protector Air Care strive for perfection. We generally ensure total customer satisfaction by providing high-quality services to businesses that use air conditioning, refrigeration, and other relevant systems. Other system units that we can service include chillers, boilers, and cooling towers. Services Offered by Protector Air Care Since January […]

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Make Your Commercial HVAC System More Efficient by Upgrading the Thermostat

26 September 2022

Commercial buildings are constructed to provide workspaces for various types of businesses. Some may be transformed into offices, while others can be renovated into retail stores. Restaurants and cafes are some more establishments that these buildings can cater to. What is common about these establishments is they require efficient heating, cooling, and ventilation to optimise their operations. And so, they would normally prioritise the installation of high-quality heating, ventilation, and air conditioning or HVAC system. With this system, these businesses can expect employees and customers to feel more productive and more comfortable. The HVAC system can also prevent appliances and […]

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4 Telltale Signs Your Industrial Chiller Needs to be Replaced Immediately

08 September 2022

Businesses nowadays use industrial chillers to effectively lower the temperature of their machines. Additionally, they utilise these refrigeration systems to cool down their industrial spaces and remove heat from systems that process fluids and other elements.  Given the functions of industrial chillers, many businesses have invested in these refrigeration systems to their properties. Businesses that carry out food processing, injection moulding, and metal finishing often maximise these systems to effectively generate the products they need. But just like other system units, chillers may still encounter some issues along the way. If your industrial chiller manifests the following signs, you must […]

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