
The Essentials of Proper Installation and Maintenance of HVAC Systems in Healthcare Facilities

24 October 2019

Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems in healthcare facilities are installed and maintained for a reason. They are not only present as common fixtures in an establishment; they are also there to promote health, comfort, and safety among patients, healthcare staff and visitors. A proper installation of HVAC systems benefits the healthcare facilities greatly. That is why it is important for healthcare facilities to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of their HVAC systems. Below are the key essentials of a proper HVAC systems installation and maintenance.

Temperature Control

The temperature significantly contributes to the overall condition of the room. Different rooms in a certain healthcare facility require different temperatures. Cool temperatures, usually ranging from 20°C to 23°C, are usually associated with operating rooms, clean workrooms, and endoscopies suites. Most operating rooms have to be cool. Otherwise, surgeons might overheat in their gowns, caps, and gloves. Meanwhile, warmer temperatures ranging from 21°C to 24°C are needed in areas that normally require greater degrees of patient comfort. For instance, burn units are warmer as patients can no longer keep their own bodies warm.

This is where the proper installation and maintenance of a HVAC system takes over. An efficient HVAC system controls both heating and cooling systems to maintain temperature set points in the different areas of the building. Their control could either be single-duct or dual-duct systems. Then, temperature standards are given as either a single temperature or a range, depending on the specific healthcare zone.

Infection Control

Aside from temperature control, the HVAC system also plays an important role in curbing infections. Healthcare facilities are more inclined to contain high concentrations of harmful micro-organisms. It is the responsibility of a healthcare facility to prevent the patient from getting infected while being admitted.  There are three possible ways on how a patient can acquire infections in a healthcare facility namely – contact, droplet, and airborne transmission.

These forms of transmission can be alleviated through the proper installation and maintenance of an HVAC system in a healthcare facility. HVAC systems filter and remove dirty air to give way for a cleaner air. The replacement of air rid the room of bacteria and other suspended microorganisms, thus, minimising airborne disease risk. Healthcare facilities rely heavily on their HVAC systems in controlling potential contaminants.

Room Pressure Control

A controlled room pressure is necessary in a healthcare facility. If the room pressure is reduced beyond the standard level, supply fans would operate on a slow pace while return fans would operate on a fast pace. This allows the entry of humid and dirty air through the cracks and openings, thus, enabling the mould growth including moisture, more spores, and nutrients.

The proper installation and maintenance of an HVAC system enables healthcare facilities to properly control the room’s pressure. The system operates the quality and quantity of intake and exhaust air, maintaining differential air pressures between adjacent areas. As a result, a gradient that maintains the standard room pressure level is created. Therefore, it eliminates the possibility of mould growth. In order to ensure a properly installed and maintained HVAC system in your healthcare facilities, find us at Protector Air Care Pty Ltd. As a reputable and respected figure within the HVAC Industry, we are proven to serve only the best products and services that meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.

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